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Nonprofit Material MATCH Program

Here at LBC, we believe that communities are built and sustained by individuals and organizations that help one another. We work hard to find new homes for the deeply discounted building materials available at our Reuse Center & Store.  We also prioritize the donation of free building materials to nonprofits, schools, community groups and houses of faith. Our goal is to empower communities to become more resilient through building material reuse.  When our fellow nonprofits spend less of their funding resources on building materials, they candirect more dollars toward the delivery of programs and services which benefit the community.

Since 2011, LBC has provided over $1,000,000 of free building materials to more than 350 nonprofits, schools, community groups and houses of faith through its Nonprofit Material MATCH Program. Your financial contribution will enable us to expand this program, and help more organizations bring their projects to life. Thank you for your support!

Nonprofit Material MATCH Story Feature: Veteran's Home Gets Special Upgrade in Time for Christmas

We were honored to partner with Rebuilding Together Atlanta and longtime supporter, DPR Construction, to provide cabinets, tile, a sink, faucet, appliances and more for Capitol View Manor resident, and Army veteran, Charles Jackson. These materials were donated via LBC's Nonprofit Material MATCH program, and will allow Mr. Jackson's 86-year old mother to return home to celebrate Christmas with her son.

To learn more HERE or watch our feature on Fox 5 Atlanta HERE



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LBC & St. John's Episcopal Church

LBC & St. John's Episcopal Church

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LBC and Friends of Refugees

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LBC & Covenant House Team Up

LBC & Covenant House Team Up

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to receive materials through the Nonprofit Material MATCH Program?

  • Grants are only applicable to federally registered, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3), organizations who provide confirmation from the IRS. This can include nonprofits, schools, community groups and houses of faith.

What type and how many materials can my organization receive?

  • Donations include all types of building materials including cabinets, doors, windows, lumber, flooring, etc. At select times, we also provide construction support/labor to complete projects for nonprofits that do not have the ability on their own. All of our grants are material-based, we do not provide financial grants to other nonprofits. 

  • Donations of building materials are provided through current inventory in the Reuse Center, future inventory from pickups/decons pre-matched to nonprofits, and/or pass-thru donations with our donor partners.

  • The type and quantity of materials available to each application is dependent on current inventory levels, upcoming material leads, the needs of the nonprofit's project, the level of community impact, and the number of people served through the nonprofit's project.

    • For example, let's say that two nonprofits apply for a commercial fridge and there is not a steady inventory of appliances at LBC. One nonprofit is a church that has a program that feeds 100 low-income families a week; the other is an educational nonprofit that needs a fridge for their volunteer breakroom. In this case, we would prioritize awarding the fridge to the church because the fridge would help more people in the community and people that are more vulnerable compared to the other nonprofit. ​

  • All material donations must be project-based and mission-related to your organization. 

What is the process for receiving building material donations?

  • Applications must be submitted for all material donations and approved by LBC staff before pickups can begin. To start your application process, simply click the SUBMIT button at the top of this page.

  • If you run into issues filling out the application or are not tech-savvy, our staff is happy to walk you through the process. You can email us (; call us (404-997-3873); or leave a message at the register and a staff member will reach out when they are available. 

  • Nonprofits may not shop and/or take materials without the application process being completed beforehand.

  • ***NOTE: Large bulk, high-value donations may be asked to pay a small, discounted rate as opposed to being 100% free in order to reflect operational costs.

When can I submit an application?

  • You can submit an application at any time of the month. Please only apply if your organization is prepared to collect materials within three months of submission. Turnaround time for applications can range up to 30 days due to high volume of applications. With each application, as a one time courtesy, we require a deposit of $25 for  processing fee -- this fee will be able to be paid through our application. For errors please reach out at!

How are applications evaluated?

  •  Organizations will be evaluated based upon the following criteria:

    •   Previous Recipients (previous application strength, collection, progress reports)............................................10%

    •   Description of Mission & Strength of Needs............................................................................................................20%

    •   Description of Project & Availability of Requested Materials.................................................................................40%

    •   Material Story/Progress Report.................................................................................................................................30%                                                                                                                                                                                  Total Score 100%

  • Communication and material selection will be done remotely when possible.

  • Please provide as much detail as possible when submitting your material requests.

When are material grants awarded?

  • Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis and we will attempt to respond sooner when possible. If your organization has an emergency material need, please send an email to in addition to the application. 

How long does an award last?

  • Grants expire after 3 months from the award date. Please only apply if your organization is prepared to collect materials within 3 months of submission. Please note that LBC cannot provide storage or delivery of donated materials. 

How do I collect the materials?

  • Material collection needs to be scheduled in advance. LBC staff member(s) will schedule your pick up date once you have been awarded material. Material collection is available only by appointment. Please ensure you bring your own laborers to assist with loading materials as any labor from LBC staff incurs a $25 forklift fee. Materials will be held in lieu of picking up for one LBC business week only. 

How often can my organization re-apply?

  • Eligible organizations can apply every 3 months.

  • Eligible organizations are limited to two awards every year.

  • Organizations must re-apply for new project material needs or when the material pickup from the previous application has been completed.

  • Some exceptions may apply after evaluation on a case-by-case limited basis. 

What is the Progress/Completion Report?

  • As part of the grant we require organizations to share progress reports 0-6 months after the date of award. Progress reports can be: sharing material reuse stories such as: how materials were used, description of the success of the project, outcomes or effectiveness, pictures, testimonials from the population(s) your organization serves, video interview. Failure to comply with progress reports will affect future grant awards.

Who can I speak to if I have any questions about my application?

  • Please direct any questions to You can also call our main number, 404-997-3873, and request for a staff member to give you a call back when they are available.

ATTENTION: Join us on Saturday, March 29th for a day of fun, food and 
sales as we celebrate LBC's Annual Spring Open House 2025 Event!!!

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1116 Murphy Ave, SW

Atlanta, GA 30310


P.O. Box 570244

Atlanta, GA 30357






Tax ID: 45-2645951




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