Reclaiming Our Future Capital Campaign
In August, LBC began renovating our 70,000 square-foot, 100-year-old warehouse in order to more effectively serve the community. Through this project, we are fixing our leaky roof, repairing broken windows, addressing severe site drainage problems, creating a new public entrance and parking area, renovating and expanding our classroom space, building out new administrative offices and new public restrooms, upgrading our electrical and life safety systems, and adding light fixtures, high-volume fans and radiant heaters throughout the warehouse. We have raised $2.76M of our $3.1M campaign goal, but we need your help to complete this project and deepen LBC's impact!

renovation updates
LBC's renovations to the Reuse Center are underway! Check out our Renovation Updates page to follow our progress or follow us on social.

MATCH Challenge
Big News! A generous donor to LBC's Reclaiming Our Future campaign has pledged a $200K gift if LBC can meet our $3.1M fundraising goal in 2021. Your gift today can help us get there!

More Impact
Our renovated Reuse Center will enable LBC to reclaim and redistribute at least 50% more materials through donation dropoffs, pickups and deconstruction projects, providing affordable materials for homeowners, nonprofits and small businesses across Metro Atlanta.
The Kendeda Fund - Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation - James M. Cox Foundation - Tull Charitable Foundation -
JE Dunn Construction - Enterprise Community Partners - Environmental Protection Agency - Lord Aeck Sargent -
Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta - Fraser-Parker Foundation - Georgia Power Foundation -
Sartain Lanier Family Foundation - SunTrust Trusteed Foundations - Vasser Woolley Foundation - Perkins+Will -
Patterson Services - Holder Construction Company - Skanska - Blanche Lipscomb Foundation - Jamestown - Walter P Moore - Livingston Foundation - Leapley Construction - AEC Trust - Integral Consulting Engineering - Newcomb & Boyd -
Perennial Properties - Builders 2020 - New South Construction - The McGill Company - Geheber Lewis Associates -
Batchelor & Kimball - The Richard C. Munroe Foundation - CAT Media
Emily Acker - Latanza Adjei - Susan Bell - Frank & Jennifer Burdette - Chris Burke - Colony Canady - Tye Darland - Chad Ebert - Tyler Edgarton - Elisa & Thomas Fay - Geoff & Donna Gober - John & Lisa Henriquez - Felicia McDade - Jay & Karen McGinnity - Jimmy & Angela Mitchell - Todd & Angela Poole - Alan & Carey Scoggins - Joe & Donna Thomas - Reed & Svitlana Thomas -
Betsy Wallace & Chris Scislowicz - Dawn Anderson - Amanda & Bert Atkinson - Jay & Jill Bassett - Brian & Annie Bollinger -
Andrea Burroughs - John Carmichael - Howard & Katharine Connell - Sean Donahue - Amelia Godfrey - Ryan Gravel - Joe Greco - Eli Green - Rex Hamre - Lee Harrop - John & Lauren Hitchins - Durl & Donna Jensen - Wilson Kieffer - Jim & Lyn LaVallee -
Drew & Marya Levine - Willie Mayberry - Gerald McDowell - John & Elizabeth McFarland - Tom & Courtney Mills - John Morrow - Alex & Maria Muñoz - Danna & Barkley Richey - Kelly & Jamie Roberts - Wanda Rodwell - Deborah Scott - Carl Seville - Joey Shea - CM Joyce Sheperd - Stanton & Cortney Stafford - JIm & Esther Stokes - Beril Toktay