About Us
Lifecycle Building Center's mission centers on keeping usable construction materials out of landfills and redirecting them back into the community through reuse. Since 2011, LBC has prevented the disposal of 12 million pounds of building materials and generated over $5.5M in community savings by: 1) providing income-restricted homeowners near LBC's Reuse Center access to these materials at an affordable cost and 2) donating free materials to nonprofits, schools and churches across metro Atlanta, with 400+ in-kind material grants awarded to over 290 nonprofits to date through its Nonprofit Material MATCH program. LBC is also supporting the expansion of affordable housing in low-wealth communities, and working with community partners to provide workforce training in deconstruction as well as free educational classes in home performance and carpentry skills.

Privacy Policy
At Lifecycle Building Center, we prioritize the privacy and security of our customers. We understand the importance of protecting your personal information, especially your mobile information. Therefore, we assure you that no mobile information will be shared with any third parties or affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes.
We are committed to addressing any concerns you may have and providing additional information if necessary.